1. Chapter 1 - Introduction to investing in the stock market

    2. Chapter 2. Stock Market Indexes

    3. Chapter 3. Stocks

    4. Chapter 4. Choosing Brokerage Firm

    5. Chapter 5. Key Investing Concepts

    6. Chapter 6. Economy Business cycles and Sectors

    7. Chapter 7. Index Funds or Tracker Fund

    8. Chapter 8. ETFs or Exchange Traded Funds

    9. Chapter 9. Mutual Active Funds

    10. Chapter 10. Investing in Bonds

    11. Chapter 11. Investing in REITS

    12. Chapter 12. Investing Commodities

    13. Chapter 13. ESG and Target Date Funds

    14. Chapter 14. Vanguard Life Strategy

    15. Chapter 15. Investing in Cryptocurrency

    16. Chapter 16. Financial Statement Ratios and Analysis

    17. Chapter 17. Comparing ETFs of Different Sectors

    18. Chapter 18. Diversification and Building a Portfolio

    19. Chapter 19.Analyzing Penny Stocks

    20. Chapter 20.IPOs

    21. Chapter 21.Common Investor Mistakes and how to avoid them

    22. Chapter 22.How to open Coinbase Account

    23. Chapter 23.How to open an Etoro Account

    24. Chapter 24. How to open Vanguard Account

    25. Chapter 25. How to open a Degiro Account

    26. Chapter 26. Taxes and Pension

    27. Chapter 27. Resources

    28. Chapter 28.Introduction to personal Finance

    29. Chapter 29.Common mistakes of personal finance

    30. Chapter 30.Budgeting Basics

    31. Chapter 31.Building An Emergency Funds

    32. Chapter 32. Money Management

    33. Chapter 33. Saving

    34. Chapter 34. Spending

    35. Chapter 35. Earning

    36. Chapter 36. Credit Cards and Debit Cards

    37. Chapter 37. Debt Management

    38. Chapter 38. Financial Resilience

    39. Chapter 39. Balancing Health, Money and Time

    40. Chapter 40. The Money Mindset

    41. Chapter 41. Financial Wellbeing

    42. Chapter 42. Golden Rule of Personal Finance.

    43. Chapter 43.Why the Rich get Richer

    44. Chapter 44.Control Your Money

    45. Chapter 45. Easy way to Reduce your bills

    46. Chapter 46.Using Money to Impress People.

    47. Chapter 47. Risk Management

    48. Chapter 48. Money Principle

    49. Chapter 49. Money and Children

    50. Chapter 50.Habits of the Rich and Poor

    51. Chapter 51.Identifying and Avoiding Financial Scams

    52. Chapter 52. Paying yourself First.

    53. Chapter 53.When to say No to giving.

    54. Chapter 54.Taking care of your Health.

    55. Chapter 55. Final Message.

    1. ሓበሬታ ብዛዕባ እዚ ትምህርቲ

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  • ነዚ ትምህርቲ ክንጅምሮ እንታይ ዓይነት ተሞኩሮ ወይ ብቕዓት የድልየና።

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  • ካብ ዓባይ ብርጣንያ ወጻኢ ኢና እንቕመጥ እሞ ክንመሃሮ ንኽእልዶ??

    ኣብ ዝኾነ ቦታ ወይ ሃገር ኮይንና ክንመሃሮ ንኽእል ኢና

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    እወ ይክኣል እዩ።

Instructor Weldsh Solomon

Hi, My name is Weldsh Solomon, an author, financial accountant, mentor and educator. I have a passion for Finance, Noble Ideas, Success Habit, and Encouragement. Having studied Finance and Accounting at university in London and currently working as Financial Accountant, I have gained a vast experience in this industry. I am a long-term investor and I teach with passion, integrity, and noble presence.